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Consumer Corner

Identification of Certified Plans

Upon successful certification, each Certified Plan is assigned a unique certification number that can be found on this website and the website of the insurance companies concerned. The VHIS Providers have the responsibility to disclose the certification number to their customers for verification.
Standard Plans and Flexi Plans
There are two types of Certified Plans, namely Standard Plan and Flexi Plan. Standard Plan is fixed in product design and adheres to the minimum complying requirements of VHIS. Except for some minor allowable variations, the Standard Plans offered by different VHIS Providers should be largely the same in product design. Flexi Plan is more flexible in product design and offers protection and benefits that exceeds the Standard Plan. This means that all Flexi Plans must provide basic protection equivalent to Standard Plan PLUS some top-up protection e.g. higher benefit limit and broader benefit coverage. Flexi Plans can be very different from one to another due to diverse design in the top-up protection to provide more product choices.
Meaning of product certification under VHIS
All Certified Plans under VHIS, including Standard Plans and Flexi Plans, must meet or exceed the minimum product standard of the scheme.
For the Standard Plans, the terms and benefits are standardised with prescribed minimum, such as minimum benefit coverage and amounts. For the Flexi Plans, they must provide basic protection equivalent to Standard Plan coverage, plus a flexible top-up protection to suit market needs subject to certain rules set out by the Health Bureau. Due to variety in product design of Certified Plans available in the market, consumers are advised to check carefully the terms and benefits of insurance plans, understanding their rights and obligations, and making product and premium comparisons. Consumers should also note that apart from Certified Plans under VHIS, there are non-VHIS insurance plans available in the market. Non-VHIS insurance plans are not subject to the scheme requirements of VHIS, and the premiums paid for these plans are not eligible for tax deduction that applies to Certified Plans.
The premium schedules of all Certified Plans can be accessible on this website and the website of the insurance companies concerned. The premium levels are not regulated, meaning that the premiums of different Certified Plans may differ visibly even for similar coverage due to market competition. Consumers are advised to check and compare the premiums of the insurance plans for their interests.
Summary of Standard Premiums of Standard Plans
This summary only serves as general reference, showing the annual standard premiums of Standard Plans for easy comparison by consumers. Where premiums are only charged on an instalment basis e.g. quarterly or monthly instalment, the premiums are annualised according to the instalment basis nearest the annual basis. There may be specific details that are not shown in this summary, including but not limited to the levy collected by the Insurance Authority that is separately charged, possible premium differences under different payment modes (e.g. credit card, cash), premium discounts, premium difference between smokers and non-smokers, and premium loadings due to higher health risks of insured persons. You are advised to check carefully with the insurance companies or insurance agents/brokers on the full details of premium information when choosing an insurance plan. Professional advice should be sought if deemed necessary. As in the case of health insurance plans commonly seen in the market, the standard premiums of Standard Plans (and Flexi Plans as well) are normally age-banded and subject to adjustment upon policy renewal. This means that the standard premiums for the ages higher than your current age in the premium schedule are subject to adjustment when you reach those ages. You are advised to consider this factor as health insurance is a long-term protection by nature. Apart from comparing premiums, you are also advised to consider your needs and budgets, review carefully the terms and benefits of insurance plans, understand your rights and obligations, and compare product features of different insurance plans. You may approach insurance companies or insurance agents/brokers for enquiry and assistance. In any event, this summary does not imply any recommendation by the Health Bureau of any particular insurance plan (including any of its product features) or insurance company to any person, and should not be construed as an invitation or inducement to anyone to subscribe any particular insurance plan from any particular insurance company. Whilst best efforts have been made by the Health Bureau to compile and consolidate the annual standard premium figures of Standard Plans, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the Health Bureau as to the accuracy, validity or completeness of this summary. Consumers should not rely solely on this summary when choosing an insurance plan. The Health Bureau shall not be liable (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any losses arising from any person's reliance on this summary and shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in this summary. The information provided in this summary is subject to change without further notice.
Summary of Standard Premiums of VHIS Standard Plans (HKD) - Female (As of 7 October 2024): Excel Format
Summary of Standard Premiums of VHIS Standard Plans (HKD) - Male (As of 7 October 2024): Excel Format